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Twenty‐six marine benthic ciliates including seven new species were isolated from King George Island, Antarctic. The morphology and taxonomy of 19 of them are described in the present paper: Aegyriana paroliva, Amphileptus sp., Amphisiella antarctica nov. spec., Condylostoma cf. magnum, Dysteria parovalis nov. spec., Folliculina ? sp., Hartmannula cf. angustipilosa, Hemigastrostyla szaboi nov. spec., Heterostentor coeruleus, Holosticha sp., Intranstylum antarcticum nov. spec., Metaurostylopsis rubra, Orthodonella shenae, Philasterides cf. armatalis, Pithites pelagicus nov. spec., Pleuronema coronatum, Strombidium apolatum nov. spec., Telotrochidium sp., and Thigmokeronopsis magna nov. spec. Based on the new observations, an improved diagnosis for the genus Aegyriana is suggested: dorsoventrally flattened Dysteriidae with tail‐shaped podite, which is positioned subcaudally in a glabrous region within somatic kineties; oral structure in two parts: ca three close‐set fragments on right and one preoral kinety on left; left postoral kineties shortened posteriorly and continuous with right ones, leaving no median gap or suture; cytopharyngeal rods dominant. According to the new understanding and information obtained, a refined diagnosis of the genus Hemigastrostyla is also suggested: hypotrich with Oxytricha‐like cirral pattern; eight to ten frontal (including one buccal) and five to seven ventral cirri; five transverse and three caudal cirri; no right‐lateral anlagen of dorsal kineties occurring and the old adoral zone will be partly replaced by newly formed structure during morphogenesis; dorsal cilia located in small pits, fibre system highly developed; marine habitat.  相似文献   
以试验为基础,论证了用部分回流气浮法处理含藻湖泊水的可行性及在气浮处理工艺中加设贮气罐的好处.  相似文献   
对3株导入外源基因的转基因小球藻(Chlorella ellipsoidea SD-0702,C.ellipsoidea SD-0705,C.ellipsoidea SD-0706)进行生长动力学、藻粉产量和产油脂能力的研究,并且与野生型小球藻(C.ellipsoidea SD-0701)进行比较.结果表明:(1)SD-0705的比生长速率最大,代时最短,与SD-0706的比生长速率均高于SD-0701,SD-0702则低于SD-0701;(2)SD-0705和SD-0706的藻粉得率均高于SD-0701,SD-0702则较野生型小球藻低;(3)SD-0705的油脂产量最高,为0.470 g/L,高于SD-0701,其他2株转基因小球藻的油脂产量均低于野生型小球藻.由此筛选出SD-0705作为藻粉和油脂的高产藻株.  相似文献   
The effect of treating algae-bearing water and induced odor by use of permanganate potassium composite (PPC) pre-oxidation was investigated, and was compared with the effect of treatments by pre-chlorination, permanganate petassium pre-oxidation and simple coagulation. The results showed that simple coagulation and pre-chlorination were less effective in removing algae and its odor, whereas PPC pre-oxidation was the most effective in algae removal and deodorization. Upon oxidation with PPC, the cells of Oscillatoria agardhic were inactivated and some intra-cellular and extra-cellular components were released into the water, which may help the coagulation by their bridging effect. The efficient removal of algae by PPC pre-oxidation is believed to be the joint contribution of several mechanisms.  相似文献   
报道了大兴安岭达尔滨湖及其周围沼泽地区的藻类共234个分类单位(不包括硅藻门和鼓藻类藻类),隶属于6门79属197种31变种6变型.其中小桩藻属的鸟头小桩藻勃氏变种Characium ornithocephalum var.pringsheimii(A.Br.)Kom.、球枝小桩藻Characium pluric-occum Kor.并联藻属的克斯克并联藻Quadrigula korsikovii Kom.、十字藻属的直角十字藻Cru-cigeniella rectangularis(Ng.)Kom.为中国新纪录.  相似文献   
淡水红藻是藻类植物进化中的一个重要类群.文章综述了淡水红藻的主要特征,回顾了其研究历史和我国淡水红藻的研究进展,包括区系分类、系统发育、生理生态等方面.同时,也对我国该领域今后研究的发展方向做了展望.  相似文献   
微电流电解对铜绿微囊藻的持续抑制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微电流电解法处理水体中的铜绿微囊藻,重点研究电解对藻类的持续抑制效能.结果表明:阳极材料对电解持续抑藻效果影响较大,4种材料效果依次为钌钛〉铂钛〉不锈钢〉铱钛;阴极材料对电解持续抑藻的效果影响较小;选择钌钛作阳极,不锈钢为阴极;电解时间和电流密度对持续抑藻效能影响较大,20min的电解时间和15mA/cm2的电流密度即可实现对藻细胞生长的完全持续抑制,但藻液的光密度和叶绿素a值并未在电解结束时立即大幅降低,而是在后期培养过程中呈逐渐下降趋势,显示出微电流电解对铜绿微囊藻具有良好的持续抑制效果.  相似文献   
饮用水中藻类及藻毒素去除技术进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水体富营养化日趋严重,藻类及藻毒素给饮用水处理带来很多不利影响,对饮用水中藻类与藻毒素去除技术从物理、化学、生物及其他方法进行具体论述,系统分析了各种技术的去除效果和局限性,并对饮用水中藻类及藻毒素去除技术进行了展望。  相似文献   
大连星海湾底栖海藻及其季节性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年9月至2007年8月对大连星海湾的底栖海藻进行了调查.共鉴定底栖海藻75种,隶属于31科44属.其中红藻门36种,褐藻门20种,绿藻门19种.结果表明,星海湾海藻的种数、生物量、垂直分布、生殖及其盛衰情况等都发生了明显的季节性变化;对该海区的区系性质作了分析,确定该海区海藻区系性质为暖温带性.  相似文献   
 从褐藻圈扇藻Zonaria diesingiana的乙醇提取物中首次分离得到一个新化合物,经由NMR、MS、IR等波谱方法鉴定为3-正十六烷酰氧基-2-(16″Z)-二十一碳烯酰氧基丙三醇1-β-D-半乳糖甙。  相似文献   
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